Tae Kwon-Do the foot and hand martial art.
Tae Kwon-Do is a Korean Martial Art with a 2000 year history. Originally, it was a fighting skill used for self defence. Over the centuries it has evolved into an art, a sport and a winning way of life.
At all the T.A.G.B. Schools we blend traditional and contemporary aspects of this martial art. Discipline and self defence play an important role in our programme, but we place emphasis on the exercise and sporting benefits of Tae Kwon-Do.
Tae Kwon-Do will improve your fitness, flexibility and, most of all, your confidence. It can also help you to control and/or channel your aggression. Right from your first lesson you will start to develop a whole new range of skills and capabilities with the opportunity to realise self achievement.
Safety first
Tae Kwon-Do, like any other sport, can be practised in complete safety if simple precautions are followed. At all T.A.G.B. schools we stress safety from the day you begin - through careful stretching, controlled techniques, and a positive attitude.